I saw a dragon
i saw a dragon
foaming at the mouth
with redfire and sulphur
a scaly creature of hate
about to slaughter mankind
with a will to kill
with impunity
i saw a man
on a solitary island
waving a white flag of peace
weeping at the loss of a billion souls
as the dragon flew west
its tail dropping a thousand fires
that raged through the forests of mankind
fire, hell, haze, followed by floods
that sank entire nations
in an ocean of wrath
i saw foolish virgins
creeping up roofs to plead for mercy
and wicked men defying both God and Mortal Man
with their lies and their tough talk
denying their corrupt ways
even as their nations became bankcrupt
and as the evening wore on
the dragon finally fell in defeat
before the gate of heaven
as st john announced :
I saw the Rapture well before
you decided to kill mankind ...