Go Gently into the Night
Go gently into the night
and do not rage against
the blinding light of day
let not thy thunder roar
for in heaven, all is silence
Go gently into the Milky Way
and let eternity be your companion now ...
On earth we rage against
the living daylights of a living hell
in heaven you need not rage against
the sourplums of a wretched existence
who seek to destroy your saintliness
and pervert your truth for lies
they masquerade for virtue
in the sunny streets ...
Let not the squabbles of earth
disturb you anymore
You have found eternal rest now
it is your right now to rest
and enjoy the splendour of a divine garden
with the angels and saints you prayed for
when sourplum logic and sourplum fools
dictate where to go when they're themselves lost
in a bedevilled graveyard
of sin and corrupt values
that make the silent night of the heavens
seem so appealing ...
So go now into the blessed night
and do not weep anymore nor worry
for thou art in Eternity now and forever more ...